Últimos Estudios
Cost-effectiveness of ceftazidime/avibactam for infections due to carbapenem-resistant bacteria in Peru
Prediabetes in Peru: Consensus of experts
Hydrosurgery for Wound Debridement: Overview of Systematic Reviews
Cost-effectiveness of interferon therapy for multiple sclerosis in Peru: impact of treatment adherence
Cost-effectiveness of Cetuximab as a treatment strategy for metastatic colon cancer in Peru: chemotherapy/Cetuximab versus chemotherapy alone
Estudios de Síntesis en Salud
Cefprozil versus Amoxicillin/Clavulanate for the Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Children: Meta-Analysis of Efficacy and Safety
Efficacy of Drugs Used in Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux: Network Meta-Analysis
Introduction to traditional meta-analysis
Introduction to the indirect meta-analyses
Isoflavones for Menopausal Vasomotor Syndrome
Isoflavonas y riesgo de fractura en mujeres posmenopáusicas: revisión sistemática y metanálisis
Soy isoflavones versus placebo in the treatment of climacteric vasomotor symptoms: systematic review and meta-analysis
Soy extracts versus hormone therapy for reduction of menopausal hot flushes: indirect comparison
Biodisponibilidad del zinc
Isoflavones versus hormone therapy for reduction of vertebral fracture risk: indirect comparison
Estudios Económicos en Salud
Cost-effectiveness of interferon therapy for multiple sclerosis in Peru: impact of treatment adherence
Cost-effectiveness of Cetuximab as a treatment strategy for metastatic colon cancer in Peru: chemotherapy/Cetuximab versus chemotherapy alone
Evaluación Costo-Efectividad de dos Alternativas de Vacunación para el Virus del Papiloma Humano en la Prevención del Cáncer Cervical Uterino
Costo-Efectividad de dos Terapias Antivirales para Hepatitis B Crónica en el Perú: Entecavir y Tenofovir
Cost-effectiveness analysis of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in preventing pneumonia in Peruvian children
Análisis Costo-Efectividad De La Terapia De Reemplazo Hormonal (TRH) Frente A Isoflavonas En Osteoporosis Posmenopáusica
Cost-Effectiveness Of The Preventive Treatment Of Urolithiasis With Potassium Citrate
Soy Isoflavones Versus Placebo In The Treatment Of Climacteric Vasomotor Symptoms: Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis
Economic Evaluation Of Ibuprofen/Codeine Combination Versus Ibuprofen Alone For Acute Pain Treatment In Peru
Economic Evaluation Of Short-Term Treatment Of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux In Peru
Los Estudios De Síntesis Como Base Para Las Evaluaciones Económicas: Necesidad De La Valoración De Su Calidad
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